Commands List

/announce <type> (title) (description) (footer) (color) (image-url) (image-attachment) (thumbnail-url) (thumbnail-attachment) (url) (role) (timestamp) (user)

Send an embed announcement with a title, description, images, and more to a specified channel.

Report a bug directly to the development team, helping improve the bot.

/clear <amount>

Clear a specified number of messages from the current channel.

/diceroll (d4) (d6) (d8) (d10) (d12) (d20) (d100) (modifier)

Virtually roll any type of dice, with an optional modifier for custom rolls.

Submit a feature request to suggest new functionalities for the bot.


Configure the Goodbye Message settings for when members leave the server.

/help (command)

Display a list of available commands or detailed information about a specific command.

/lofi list

List the top Lofi channels available for streaming.

/lofi play (title)

Play a selected Lofi stream in your voice channel.

/lyrics (query)

Retrieve the lyrics of the currently playing song or search for lyrics by song title.

Show detailed information about the current track playing in the voice channel.

/pcbuilder <type> <budget> (cpu) (gpu) (storage) (ram) (ram-type) (cooling)

Get a PC build recommendation tailored to your specs and budget using Newegg's Build With AI.

/play <song>

Play a song or playlist in your voice channel.

/previewjoinleave <type>

Preview Welcome and Goodbye messages.

/profile (user)

View your own profile or check another user's profile details.

/radio garden <station>

Tune in to a radio station of your choice powered by Radio Garden.

/radio iheart <station>

Tune in to a radio station of your choice powered by iHeartRadio.

/sauce (image) (url)

Identify an anime from an image or URL.

/scan <link>

Scan a URL with VirusTotal to check if it's malicious.


Adjust the server's general settings.


Skip the current track in the music queue.

/timezone get <user>

Get the timezone of a specific user.

/timezone set <timezone>

Set your own timezone.

Clear your currently set timezone.


Configure the Welcome Message settings and Join Roles for when new members join the server.